We are beginning to see patterns in the features and make the first tentative interpretations about the types of buildings which would have been inhabited in precolumbian times. Here is a working plan of the features in a 10 x 20m excavation trench. The circular shapes represent holes dug for wooden posts. Everyone on the dig has been joining up the dots and presenting their own ideas about the Amerindian ideal home. Today we placed wooden sticks in the postholes to better visualise the patterns, and for the rest of the week (if the rain holds off), we will excavate the postholes to test these ideas and make comparisons of the various features.
Precolumbian settlement features
Precolumbian settlement features

Hey Alice!
Ben inmiddels veilig thuis! De rest (behalve onze backpackers I&P) ook? Hayley had problemen met d´r vlucht geloof ik.
Na ja ik ga in ieder geval de komende twee dagen keihard rlxen en dan zien we elkaar wel weer in Leiden!
Groet Gus
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